- Gay dog
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
gay dog — noun : a man given to gay or licentious self indulgence * * * gay dog, Slang. a person who seeks or indulges in extravagant pleasures and gaiety: »Hungary s “magnates” (the aristocratic heads of the great families) were Europe s most lavish hosts … Useful english dictionary
gay dog — Synonyms and related words: Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, debauchee, gallant, gay deceiver, lady killer, libertine, lover boy, philanderer, profligate, rake, rakehell, rip, roue, rounder, skirt chaser, swinger, walking phallus, wanton, wolf,… … Moby Thesaurus
gay dog — noun A womanizer … Wiktionary
gay — 1. • There is no historical case for homosexual ownership of ‘gay’. So can we have our word back, please.’ Paul Johnson, 1995. This typifies the reaction of many people to this major change, occurring from the mid 20c but with occasional earlier… … Modern English usage
gay — [gā] adj. [ME gai < OFr < ? Frank * gahi, swift, impetuous, akin to Ger jäh] 1. joyous and lively; merry; happy; lighthearted 2. bright; brilliant [gay colors] 3. given to social life and pleasures [a gay life] 4. wanton; licentious [a gay… … English World dictionary
dog|mat´i|cal|ly — dog|mat|ic «dg MAT ihk, dog », adjective. 1. of or having to do with dogma; doctrinal. 2. Figurative. positive and emphatic in asserting opinions; overbearing: »The audience disliked the speaker s dogmatic manner in stating his opinions as if… … Useful english dictionary
dog|mat|ic — «dg MAT ihk, dog », adjective. 1. of or having to do with dogma; doctrinal. 2. Figurative. positive and emphatic in asserting opinions; overbearing: »The audience disliked the speaker s dogmatic manner in stating his opinions as if they were… … Useful english dictionary
dog — /dɒg / (say dog) noun 1. a domesticated carnivore, Canis lupus familiaris (formerly Canis familiaris), descended from the grey wolf; bred in a great many varieties and commonly kept as a pet. 2. any animal belonging to the same family, Canidae,… …
gay deceiver — Synonyms and related words: Artful Dodger, Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, Machiavel, Machiavelli, Machiavellian, actor, bamboozler, befuddler, beguiler, charmer, counterfeiter, debauchee, deceiver, deluder, dissembler, dissimulator, dodger, double … Moby Thesaurus
Dog Day Afternoon — Dog Day Afternoon … Wikipedia
Dog Tags (film) — Dog Tags Directed by Damion Dietz Produced by Damion Dietz, Stephanie Kirchen … Wikipedia